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  • MUSCHI-Lecken

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Hallo, die Gruppe ist für alle, die auf Sex in Sneakers und Socks stehen und mehr von sich zeigen wollen - egal welcher sexuellen Gesinnung.
Zeigt euch, euren Körper, eure Socks und Sneakers, eure Sexstellungen. Tauscht euch aus, verabredet euch, bewertet Fotos und Beiträge.

Wir sind offen, vielfältig und bunt: Wer nicht die üblichen Regeln eines Grundmaßes an Anstand mitbringt, gegen andere sexuelle Gesinnungen als die eigene hetzt, solche Menschen anpöbelt oder ein strafrechtlich relevantes Verhalten an den Tag legt, wird gemeldet und überdies aus der Gruppe entfernt. Es gehört sich auch nicht, andere zu blockieren, nur weil jemandem ein Foto oder Video gefällt. Diesbezüglich herrscht NULL-Toleranz-Politik!

icon-wio Sabrina_Fußfee created an entry in Socks & Sneakers 👟👟👟
Mann kann mir die Halbsocken füllen…
icon-wio andi1972 created an entry in Socks & Sneakers 👟👟👟
icon-wio Sabrina_Fußfee created an entry in Socks & Sneakers 👟👟👟
Ziehst du mir die Halbsocken aus? ….
icon-wio Sabrina_Fußfee created an entry in Socks & Sneakers 👟👟👟
icon-wio Sabrina_Fußfee created an entry in Socks & Sneakers 👟👟👟
Spritz mir drauf!
icon-wio BOBObeiHH created an entry in Socks & Sneakers 👟👟👟

Similar preferences as Socks & Sneakers 👟👟👟

A stocking fetish might be seen as something men have- a longing desire for the long, lean, lacy legs of women. But women can get off on their silky soft leg wear as well. Soft nylon, suspender stockings, Lycra lingerie and intricate designs can all make the tight covering of the leg a sensual experience. It used to be that stockings were custom-made to order, until they began being mass-produced in the 1960s. While more convenient the art of custom stocking making has been lost. But period dress shops and high-end sex shops still sell creative designs with different themes. Men sometimes enjoy wearing these as well, and lucky for them stockings come in a variety of sizes.
Circumcision. It’s a scary word for some, the total norm for others. A widespread practice in the USA, most other countries do not cut their cocks unless medically necessary. The old myth about hygiene turns out to be just that: a myth. Turns out a little soap and water is all you need. The bigger picture reveals that only 30% of men around the world are circumcised. Some religions require circumcision but in general men tend to leave their hats on. There is also the great debate about whether or not it decreases sexual pleasure as an adult. Common sense will answer that for you. The head of the penis is sensitive. If it’s kept protected by the foreskin from rubbing on the insides of trousers for years on end, it will maintain it’s sensitivity. But if the hat is removed, back luck fellas, the head will be desensitized. Fear not hatless men, this just means you need to concentrate more on what your partner is doing. The more you focus on the sensations sliding around your cock, the nicer it will feel regardless of your foreskin situation! More about things to do with cocks: Balls, Oral Sex, Cum Swallowing