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  • Wifesharing/Cuckold (AC/HS...

    Diese Gruppe dient dem Kontaktaufbau im Bereich Wifesharing/Cuckolding im Umkreis von 100km um die Kreise AC und HS. Um effektivere Treffen zu e...
  • 🔥 Zeigefreudig/Austausch 🥵

    Hallo, die Gruppe ist für alle, die gerne mehr von sich zeigen wollen. Zeigt euch, euren Körper, eure Sexstellungen und Vorlieben. Tauscht euch aus...
  • E-Stim

    Für alle Freunde der Electro Stimulation . Gerne gemeinsam real oder online stimulieren Ich benutze das 2b
  • Traumschwänze und deren Li...

    Die Gruppe für Schwanzlieberinnen! Hier kommentieren nur Frauen und Paare! Es werden nur hetero Männer, hetero Paare und Frauen ...
  • Snapchat | Bildertausch fü...

    Diese Gruppe ist für Jünger, die untereinander Bilder, Videos über Snap austauschen wollen😏
  • Fickstückchen

    Du bist dauergeil? Zeigefreudig und vor allem AKTIV dann bist du hier richtig. 😁 Jeder darf (fast) alles.... **Lernt euch kennen und h...
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Similar preferences as Sich gerne nackt zeigen

A strong and powerful back can be a huge turn on for some people. The sight of a well-toned upper body (and those sexy back muscles) can offer a glimpse of some powerful thrusting ahead! When working out, lots of people tend to neglect the back over the abs - which are just as sexy, but holding onto a strong back while you're being pounded (in a variety of positions) can be massively sexy for girls and guys.
If you pay attention to pop culture, you'd think that all the guys without a six-pack never get laid. Unsurprisingly, this turns out to be another one of those body-image-crushing myths. While six-packs might look amazing in photoshoots, they are hardly the whole package (unless we're talking beer). Your body is just there to house your brain and personality, so make sure those are all fit. A six-pack tends to communicate that you focus a lot on the outside. On the other hand, a big ole beer belly gives the impression that you're not taking care of yourself. Is it wrong to judge people by their appearance? Yes. But we all do it. Is it silly to waste energy worrying about what others think of your body? Yes. But it's good to take care of yourself - and it's good to find a balance in life. Have a specific body part that makes you weak in the knees? Legs, Breasts, Butts