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Similar preferences as Schöne Vaginas

The labia are the "lips" that make women's genitals look like flowers…or make Georgia O'Keefe paintings look like women's genitals, depending on how you look at it. Next is the clitoris (yes, it's in there, and yes, you have to find it). The relative sizes of the lips, their shapes, colors and textures vary enormously from woman to woman. There is actually no such thing as a "normal" vagina, although some people will invent 'beauty standards' for absolute anything. You may have heard people joking about "lady boners," but that's actually a real thing! Just like a dick, labias swell and become puffy during sexual arousal; peaking at orgasm. There are many ways to get creative in this area. There are piercings, tattoos, designs shaved into pubic hair and even jewelry to bedazzle your vajayjay. Find more related topics here: Licking, Erotic Art, Facesittng
Oh the magical things you can do with your fingers. This is another hot tip for those a bit lost when it comes to foreplay. And don’t be fooled, this isn’t just for women. A lot men like it too. Once again, get creative, listen to your partner. Start out slowly, play around with delicately running your fingers over their body. Moving them slowly more towards their genitals. If it’s a woman, make sure you don’t just shove your fingers inside her. Most women prefer clitoral stimulation and little anatomy tip: that’s on the outside. Some women like their vulvas to be caressed. Once she’s all wet (and if not naturally use lube) and warmed up then you can go inside. Reach up and find her g-spot, with practice you can try squirting. There’s a lot of techniques for this and relaxation is key. A lot of men also like a bit of fingering. It’s important to note that men do not secrete lovely pussy water from their anus, so lube is a good thing to have handy for this adventure. Play around with his cock and balls, get him warmed up and excited, but not too excited because going into a tight hole is no fun for anyone. Perform a bit of fellatio, lube up your fingers and start with a bit of rimming. With a bit more lube you can try to enter him. Make sure you keep eyes on him and listen if he’s liking it or not. Tickle your way to more fun. Check out these other links: Ass Play, Fingering, Handjobs