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  • Bi Männer spritzen in Pirna

    Willkommen sind alle bi Männer im Raum Pirna die unkompliziert spritzen wollen und alle die auf Sperma stehen.
  • Unbeschnittene Schwänze

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  • Sex im LKW 🚚

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Die Gruppe ist für Leute die Spaß an outdoor Aktivitäten haben, für Austausch und Ideen für schöne Plätze um sich zu treffen für geilen Spaß.
Umkreis bis max. 150 km

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Similar preferences as Outdoortreffen im Harz und Umgebung

Body hair keeps us warm, and for some of us is also erotic. Since we no longer need it for its mammalian functions (thanks, cashmere). The tricky thing about it is that for some people it's a turn on, and for others it's repulsive. Some people love to indulge in the scents, moisture and sensations provided by thick hair. Others like to get creative with it and make designs by shaving it or dying it. And some just can't get far enough away from it!
Hair. There is no end to the meanings we assign to it, nor to the high school theater productions that carry its name. Some people love it, others can’t stand the sight of it. Other still, are somewhere in the middle. Women unfortunately carry the brunt of the image demands in this category. Thanks to the porn industry, no one really seems to know what public hair or genitals should actually look like. So we’re going to correct the record! Whatever you fancy! There is no right or wrong amount of pubic hair. If you like it so long you can braid it and put flowers in it, then do it! If you like it totally shaved and waxed, do it! If you simply can’t be bothered, leave it alone. Preferences vary, so the only really important thing with regards to pubic hair is to make sure you and your partner are happy. Some people love the way pubic hair feels when they are happily grinding away on top, others get the same feeling with no pubic hair. Various groups have different meanings for pubic hair: for example in the LBGTQ community or in the BDSM scene. Everyone has a personal preference, and if you don’t play around with it and see what you like! More hairy bits to get your rocks off to: Armpits, Hair, Body Hair, Labia