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  • Alte mollige Frauen sind e...

    Hier geht es um Frauen im reiferen Alter, die Freude am Sex haben. Wir möchten gerne vorher sehen wer der Gruppe beitreten will. Es ist jede F...
  • Sharing is caring - Wifesh...

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  • Blowjob-Fans

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  • Bi MM, Gruppe für aktive u...

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Similar preferences as Kreuzfahrt auf NIco Cruises

Most people who give blowjobs have a routine down; they either spit or swallow the cum, and they know when they to mix it up. Since about two thirds of adults practice oral sex, the question comes up quite often. Some people think asking a woman to swallow is sexist, and that it asserts male dominance in an overly extreme way. But dominance might be play for some people, and many women like the sensation of swallowing. Others think spitting is showing rejection, and whatever the case might be for you and your partner, we have to respect people's preferences. Find related topics here: Oral Sex, Quickies, Cocks