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  • Dicke und mollige Männer s...

    Grundsätzlich gedacht für alle Männer, die eher XXL+ sind und Kontakt suchen - idealerweise zu Männern und/oder Frauen, die eine kräftige Statur mö...
  • Emsland EL , Noh, St / Spa...

    Hallo Hier soll es um Spaß im Emsland und Umgebung gehen. Jeder darf erst mal rein kommen. Offen für Frauen, Paare, Männer und diverse Respek...
  • Outdoorsex - draußen unter...

    Auch mal draußen unterwegs? In der Gruppe findet ihr die besten Spots für Outdoorsex. Zudem gibt es auch immer wieder den ein oder anderen Tipp von...
  • Analsex für Beginner

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  • FKK

    FKK in Deutschland wird immer beliebter. Es gibt viele schöne Plätze. Wo macht Ihr FKK ? Bitte keine reinen Schwanzbilder posten, da es um FKK...
  • 🔥 Zeigefreudig/Austausch 🥵

    Achtung: wenn nicht zumindest Kommentarfunktion oder Gästebuch zur Verfügung stehen, erfolgt ab sofort keine Aufnahme mehr! Hallo, die Gruppe is...
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Similar preferences as Hoden- und Penisringe

What’s so great about a hole in the wall? Well, this hole leads the curious to a bit of incognito fun. Glory holes are all over the place: in public toilets of some bars and clubs, or some cinemas. Gay and straight men use them. Most are just looking for a bit of noncommittal action from a faceless stranger. The first time a guy visits a glory hole, he might be a bit worried about sticking his dick, literally, into the ‘unknown’. He’s unsure what potential pleasures await his curious cock on the other side. For most the thrill of the unknown is what keeps them coming back for more. The curious cock can let his imagination fly as he slips onto a joy ride into the unknown. Glory holes are hidden all over and offer up mysterious pleasure rides with few complications!
One only has to have a quick walk around an art museum to see there are big differences in beauty standards throughout the ages. Historically speaking, the curvier a woman the more sexy she was. Reasons ranged from childbearing to showing off wealth. The famous Belgian painter, Peter Paul Rubens, was particularly important for setting this standard in his time. He wanted to express indulgence, lusciousness, and enjoying life. Of course modern beauty standards have drastically shifted to quite the opposite. Thanks to models like Twiggy. There is resurgence of celebrating the beauty of a curvy woman thanks to the rock-a-billy and burlesque scene. Their nostalgic longing to look like a pin up illustration proving that once again: curvy is sexy. The popularity of the corset shows even thin women lacing up in corset. In an attempt to accentuate what they’ve got in the way of curves. Curvy bodies got you all hot and bothered? Check out these links: Breasts, Butts, Corsets