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Zugang NUR mit grünen Haken und GESICHTSBILD im Profil !!! In dieser Gruppe werden Handwerker gesucht bzw. Handwerker suchen Aufgaben die Sie ausführen dürfen. Es wird jedoch NICHT mit Bargeld vergütet , hier heißt es Leistungen gegen Sex ;)
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Similar preferences as Handwerksleistungen gegen Sex
Rubber dolls are life-sized replicas of men and women. The usually have penetrable openings for the purposes of masturbation. They’ve been around for over 100 years and can cost between 10€ and thousands for luxury dolls. These luxury models are usually made with firm bodies and realistic skin material. Often used as party gags at bachelor parties, they are also used for masturbation or in the BDSM world for humiliation practices. Pygmalionism is the fetish where people center their focus on rubber dolls. Rubber dolls are also in the movies and in music: Franz Morak: Abwaschbar, Roxy Music: Every Dream Home A Heartache, The Police: Sally, Frank Zappa: Ms. Pinky und Little Rubber Girl, Sodom: Stumme Ursel, ACDC use a rubber doll as decoration in "Whole Lotta Rosie". Some films that use rubber dolls include.: Lars and the Real Girl, Wilt, River’s Edge and Airplane: The Incredible Journey. Text by Nordseebär