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  • Emsland EL , Noh, St / Spa...

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  • AO-Sex Berlin - BRB (keine...

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Bitte die Regeln zwecks Aufnahme beachten
Nur für Männer die eine Freundschaft Plus mit einem anderen Mann und/oder Männerpaar suchen für Sex und mehr.

Für die Aufnahme in die Gruppe ist ein Profilbild oder ein Bild im Profil notwendig.
Dieses muss für alle sichtbar sein!
Das Bild muss von euch selbst sein, egal was und welchen Teil (Haut!), Ausschnitt ihr von euch zeigen wollt.

Keine Aufnahme von:
Frauen, Paaren: Frau/Frau, Frau/Mann, TS, TV, CD, DWT

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Similar preferences as Freundschaft Plus unter Männern

Maybe it’s the cool breeze on your raw skin, the soothing solitude, or the calming movement of the water. Something about sex on a boat makes everything more sensual. The adventurous are sure to get their fill of excitement on a boat or yacht. As long as you’re out of danger of capsizing, the options for hot sex are pretty great. You have the warm sun on your skin during the day, you can cuddle up in the cabin at night. You can watch the stars, or enjoy the sound of the waves from inside. If you’re really spoiled, maybe you have a crew who would be down for a gangbang or some group sex. Of course, if you’re really adventurous, the water provides its own exciting opportunities. Dive in! More wet and wild ideas here: Outdoor sex, Sex in the Water, Exhibitionism Photo Pixelio: sharpei
The amount of pain depends on the quality of the candles and the height the wax is dropped from. The sensation could be a nice lukewarm, or a searing hot. Smaller candles and wax falling from higher up tend to be less hot. The wax pools a bit, and is then spilled with care onto the willing victim. Sex shops often sell candles that have a lower melting point for less risk of burning. The idea is to get a nice redness with a little puff in the skin, but not to injure anyone. As wax pools and cools, a layer will be formed over the skin. A whip or a switch might be just perfect to snap that apart. For any bears among us, though, it might be wise to put a layer of plastic between your body hair and that wax, unless you are into a really, really, really painful finish! For more hot ways to spice it up, check out: Blindfolds, BDSM, Bondage