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  • Schwanger

    Dies ist eine Gruppe für Liebhaber von Babybäuchen! Und natürlich für Frauen, die in Ihren Umständen gesteigerte Lust haben... ;) Themenfremde Bi...
  • Bukkake

    Dies ist eine Gruppe für die Männer Frauen Paare die Bukkake lieben Es geht um reines Bukkake
  • Schöne Mösen

    Bitte nur Mösen rein stellen. Schwänze sind hier nicht erwünscht!
  • Blasgeile Männer

    Diese Gruppe ist für Männer (hetero, bi, schwul oder sonstiges) die gerne Schwänze blasen und für Männer die sich gerne einen blasen lassen. Hier...
  • Fototausch

    Zeigen und gesehen werden 💪😊.
  • Junge Männer und Erfahrene...

    Junge Männer mit wunderschönen Bodys, Potenz und jugendlichem Charme treffen auf erfahrene Frauen mit Offenheit, Eleganz und einem Faible für die s...
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„KölnDate - Weil in Köln nicht nur der Dom steht!“. 😉

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Licking is one of the many variations of oral sex. You can lick a pussy and that's called cunnilingus. You can lick an asshole and that's called rimming. Lick me tender Obviously foreplay and sex with your partner(s) can be intensified with rimming and licking. It should come as no surprise, when done right both women and men can climax from licking and rimming. Only when everybody wants to Before you start licking and rimming each other like mad, make sure you're on the same page about it. One person's fantasy is another's nightmare- some people find the feel of tongues on their body a big turn off. It's also good to keep in mind the important of cleanliness. If you like her asshole first stay there. Don't go back and forth between pussy and asshole. Licking is Flexible Of course not everyday is the same for everyone. Some days you might like it hard and fast, others slow and easy. Licking is the same. Variety is the spice of life. Don't just dive in head first into her pussy or straightway into someone's asshole. Start out licking different parts of their body: nipples, breasts, get to know how they taste. Then go downstairs and lick away until your partner explodes in ecstasy! Men are into licking too Not only women like being licked. Men also writhe in pleasure when licked from the tip of their cocks, down the shaft, around their balls and end up with a rim job. .