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Diese Gruppe ist für Normalos Ü45 wie uns, die ziemlich gut bebaut sind.
Man muss nicht immer jung, dürr oder schlank sein, um XL zu tragen.

Tauscht Euch aus, tauscht Bilder, trefft Euch, habt Spaß.

Sexuelle Orientierung spielt hier erst mal keine Rolle. Jeder ist Willkommen.

Private group
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Similar preferences as Ältere Normalos mit großem Kolben

Threesomes. So enticing, yet so complicated. Threesomes with two men and a woman are common; sometimes both men are going to be with the woman one after the other, or all three are going at it simultaneously. It's also a good opportunity for newbies to try out any gay urges they may have. In practicality, threesomes can be a bit tricky to balance the attention. Finding a place where everyone is getting equal attention is not always easy, but through communication and practice everyone can get satisfied. Of course if role-play or exhibitionism is your thing, a threesome might be the perfect time to have an uninvolved audience. . Whichever variation you prefer, threesomes can be really good for relationships. Just make sure there is a ton of communication before and after play. Respect everyone's boundaries so that discovery of any feelings and preferences can be done honestly. Interested in other sexy options with multiple partners? Swing over to these pages: Partner Swapping, FFM, Threesomes, Group Sex