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  • MUSCHI-Lecken

    Hier gehts nur ums Lecken Du willst es? Du kannst es? Dann melde dich… hier lecken wir jede Muschi im Alter ab 18 Jahren Jahren. Einzige Beding...
  • 🔥 Zeigefreudig/Austausch 🥵

    Achtung: wenn nicht zumindest Kommentarfunktion oder Gästebuch zur Verfügung stehen, erfolgt ab sofort keine Aufnahme mehr! Hallo, die Gruppe is...
  • Parkplatzsex im Raum BS/WO...

    Meldet Euch einfach an und Ihr seid dabei.
  • Sexting/Sex Chat

    Bitte immer freundlich sein und den Nummer rein schreiben zu erst
  • AO-PT mit Option MMF/FFM

    Wir möchten hier eine halbwegs ausgeglichene Gruppe (Paare/Frauen/Männer/TS) aufbauen und freuen uns auf Eure/Deine Bewerbung mit ein paar Zeilen. ...
  • Frauen und Freundinnen zur...

    Erfahrungsaustausch und mehr. Wer stellt sie gerne zur Verfügung für fremde Männer? Nicht nur Cuckolds sind gefragt, sondern auch Dominante, die ih...
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Hier geht es um Frauen im reiferen Alter, die Freude am Sex haben.
Wir möchten gerne vorher sehen wer der Gruppe beitreten will. Es ist jede Frau und jeder Mann herzlich willkommen!
Es wäre schön, wenn ihr euch nach dem Beitritt kurz vorstellt!

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Similar preferences as Alte mollige Frauen sind einfach sexy

If you pay attention to pop culture, you'd think that all the guys without a six-pack never get laid. Unsurprisingly, this turns out to be another one of those body-image-crushing myths. While six-packs might look amazing in photoshoots, they are hardly the whole package (unless we're talking beer). Your body is just there to house your brain and personality, so make sure those are all fit. A six-pack tends to communicate that you focus a lot on the outside. On the other hand, a big ole beer belly gives the impression that you're not taking care of yourself. Is it wrong to judge people by their appearance? Yes. But we all do it. Is it silly to waste energy worrying about what others think of your body? Yes. But it's good to take care of yourself - and it's good to find a balance in life. Have a specific body part that makes you weak in the knees? Legs, Breasts, Butts
Phone sex originated in an age when phones were stationary and had cords attached to them, you know, totally pre-historic! Part of the appeal of phone sex then, was that there was no visual component. The caller enjoyed the tones of the voice, the personality of the person on the other end, and the fantasies sparked by the dirty talk hat was exchanged. Phone sex has occurred between partners who were separated by distance, but it has also been a business for decades. Numbers with special per-minute rates were set up, staffed by women of all types, and callers were pleasured for money. What's interesting is that while phone sex between partners is sex, it also plays a part in their relationship, and can be a tool for maintaining or even increasing intimacy.

Discussions and topics about Alte mollige Frauen sind einfach sexy

  • Finding a good fuck is supposed to get easier: Raunchy Pick-Up Lines For Girls as introduced by Cosmo as well as on Reddit are the new sexy Well, maybe not, but in terms of equal rig ...
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  • Dark Places are sexy

    I love hiking and LOVE going in caves! They're dark and a bit scary because you never know what's around the corner or if the ground is going to give out. One time I was wandering around in a cave wit ...
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