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  • Hunde

    Ob Ihr selber einen Hund euer Eigen nennt, öfter mal "Dogsitter" spielt oder gerade keinen Hund habt, aber ein großer Hundefreund seid. Ob Rasse-...
  • Fotoshootings

    Wir fotografieren gerne privat untereinander ..! Zeigen und tauschen uns über die Fotografie hier aus . Bitte keine reine Schwanzbilder posten !
  • N A T U R f o t o g r a f...

    Für alle, die Naturfotos mögen oder/und die Schönheit der Natur gerne auf Fotos festhalten... Landschaften Wildpflanzen Pilze Wildtie...
  • Leidenschaft Fotografie: v...

    Hallo, hier in der Gruppe soll es um Fotografie gehen. Sowohl für Anfänger als auch Profis. Egal ob Natur, Alltag, Erotik oder Akt. Gegenseitiger...
  • Fotografie Allgemein

    Fotografie für alle mit Interesse am Hobby Private Gruppe mit Bewerbung
  • WoMo- /Kastenwagen-Freiste...

    Hallo liebe Wohnmobil/Kastenwagenfahrer. Wir würden hier gerne eine Gruppe bilden, welche sich ausschließlich auf die Liebhaber vom Freistehen bezi...
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Eine Gruppe für Personen die Japan und ihre Kultur lieben

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Similar preferences as Anime und Manga I love Japan

Hentai, anime and manga are all forms of animated storytelling that come from Japan, but they aren't the same. Manga and Anime are story styles with distinct characters, animation styles, and story themes. Hentai draws on some of these styles, but for pornographic purposes. Hentai is animated and the characters are drawn with great XXXageration. Female characters are often extremely thin with enormous eyes, while male characters usually have massive cocks and outrageous muscles. Because it's fantasy, monsters also get to have their fun. When a monster have sex with a woman, it usually breaks all physical and known boundaries of human sex. Bear in mind that hentai is fantasy, and often in hentai lines are crossed that would never be acceptable, legal or even physically possible in real life. Many scenes include rape and violence, and it's an important reminder to recognize your limits and acknowledge those of others.
“Free love” and “free sex” are no longer the same thing these days. Since the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s encouraged people to act out their every fantasy, things have evolved a bit. These lifestyles have become more sustainable and widespread-you don't have to run away and join some commune or harem in order to experience this sexual freedom. Writers like Herbert Marcuse and Wilhelm Reich, attempted to do away with the restrictive nuclear family idea by proposing a life of sexual freedom as the more 'normal' lifestyle. Feminism, however, began going even further. Even in the 19th century, feminists were rejecting the institution of marriage and the idea that the state should be in charge of someone’s personal and sexual life. Most religious institutions are still dragging their feet when it comes to the issue of sexual freedom and orientation. Looking for more alternative lifestyles? Swing on over to: Swinging, Partner Swapping, BDSM, Polyamory

Discussions and topics about Anime und Manga I love Japan

  • I was always super shy about my sex life, until I found a career as a Cam Girl. It literally changed my life. Not only did I start making a great living from the comfort of my own home, It liberated m ...
  • Looking for added tips to improve. ...
  • I love vibrators!

    Anyone else into vibrators? ...