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Männer tragen gerne High Heels

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Similar preferences as Männer tragen High Heels

High heel shoes give you a little lift and an extra sexy sway in your walk. Normally at least three inches high, the affect is to make the wearer's legs look longer and thinner. Many women wear a low "kitten heel" for a busy day, and higher, thinner heels for going out. Stilletos have super thin metal heels that can be 6 inches or higher. Walking in high heels can be a bit tricky for the unexperienced, as many a videos on YouTube demonstrate. Super high stilletos are not your only option- ankle boots, espadrilles and wedges are all designed to keep your legs and butt looking sexy without killing your ankles or giving you vertigo. More on the hotness below the hemline in these links: Legs, Women's Lingerie, Footwear
Shoes are useful for more than just walking. Both men and women have a tendency to fetishize footwear. High heels and boots being the most popular. Sometimes this is merely about appreciating the form. Once and awhile it involves smell. A lot of times, a Dom will walk on a sub and even make them lick the shoes or boots. This is a popular part of BDSM scenes. More fun with fetishes discussed here: Nylon Fetish, Sock Fetish, Women's Lingerie