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Private Gruppe für PAARE und FRAUEN.
!!!!Generell für alle: NUR mit Echtheitsprüfung !!!

Männer NUR!! auf Empfehlung von Mitgliedern.
Solo Anfragen von Männern zwecklos!!!

Toleranz und Offenheit sind gefordert. Eine Gruppe zum Informieren, sich austauschen und Kontakte knüpfen. Für Erfahrene und Neulinge.

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Similar preferences as Kaviar - Der Spezielle Fetisch. (W/PAAR)

A stocking fetish might be seen as something men have- a longing desire for the long, lean, lacy legs of women. But women can get off on their silky soft leg wear as well. Soft nylon, suspender stockings, Lycra lingerie and intricate designs can all make the tight covering of the leg a sensual experience. It used to be that stockings were custom-made to order, until they began being mass-produced in the 1960s. While more convenient the art of custom stocking making has been lost. But period dress shops and high-end sex shops still sell creative designs with different themes. Men sometimes enjoy wearing these as well, and lucky for them stockings come in a variety of sizes.
A diaper fetish, also known as diaper play or baby play, is a fetish wherein one partner not only dresses in diapers, but usually also behaves and is treated like a baby. There is another group of fetishists who are simply into wearing diapers and get off by that alone. But most of the time this is a role-play fetish. In the typical role play the "mother" will powder, cream and change the "baby", swaddle and hold them, even deal with their excrement (which may be a fetish for some people in and of itself). Diaper play specifically addresses the need that we all have to be protected, given affection, and taken care of even when we feel helpless. This doesn't necessarily have to take a sexual form, but it can be a release by creating a safe and happy experience. More creative roleplay ideas here: Bizarre, Role Play, Sex Toys