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Da ich Männerüberschuss vermeiden möchte wäre schön wenn darauf geachtet wird 😉

Wer unhöflich ist fliegt raus

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Scat, or Coprophilia is gaining sexual gratification from playing with shit. It has many names, but scat, caviar, and chocolate are among the most commonly used. Health Risks Most people into caviar get off on watching someone take a dump, but another common fix is suppressing bowel movements. Control is sexy and there are many different forms of control. Sometimes caviar makes the jump into playing with it- using it as lubrication for gentle massaging or evolving into consuming it, also known as coprophagia. If certain considerations are not taken, this can be a major physical risk. Human excrement is loaded with bacteria and other things you don't want to be eating again. So do your research before taking a bite out that 'chocolate'. Looking for more hot stuff to do with your ass? Read on: Ass Play, Odors, Butts, Diaper Fetish