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Ballstretcher, massives Gewicht auf und an dem Sack. Wer verträgt am meisten? Zeigt es uns 😜.

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Similar preferences as Ballstretcher, fette Hodensäcke.

Most people are aware of foot fetishes: it gets a decent amount of press. And most ladies who have had a killer pair of heels and worn them around a big city have seen that twinkle in a man's eye when he compliments them. Foot fetishes come in different forms. Some people are into the smell, and so bare feet, perhaps after a long day in a shoe of a preferred material, are preferred. Others get off on performing sex acts with toes or feet; like rubbing them on their genitals, insertion, or sucking. Historically many cultures had foot fetishes. The most common example being that of foot-binding in China. But nowadays, streaming video and online shopping can make this special kind of joy available to the average Joe or Joanne much more easily. More body parts that turn us on here: Legs, Breasts, Butts
Are you into girls who are smaller than you? Not just shorter. We’re talking thin, ballerina types. Delicate, fragile, tiny bones that would crush under the weight of a copy of two fashion magazines. We’re talking petite and sweet. Or maybe she’s a little naughty sometimes. WTF is that all about? The sense of being bigger, sure. But there’s also a caring side to it, not just a large and in charge dominant attitude. Someone so tiny needs to be cared for, made sure nothing bad will ever happen to her, ever. She is her own strong individual but sometimes the world can be too big and she needs some help. Daddy’s little girl, can be so sweet or so naughty. Find other body types here: BBW, Curvy Women, Butts
Some people would happily lick away all day at sweaty, smelly feet, while others find the idea of even kissing a clean foot revolting. Many fetishists find it highly erotic to look at fettered feet, to tickle or to suck them. Others like to 'abuse' them. For every part of the foot, be it callouses, smells or any other imaginable thing, there are fetishists. Some enjoy the entire foot, while others focus on the toes, balls, color, texture, size or shape. Playing footsie is a well known way to hide physical contact between people in order to flirt so no one else can see. For example under the table at a restaurant, or in hot tubs. This discrete act can lead to some saucy adventures later on. When your feet stray upwards to your partner's genitals, it’s called a footjob. Looking for more kinks and fetishes? Hop on over to: Nylon Fetish, Sock Fetish, Women's Lingerie