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    A Boy Toy is the younger male partner in a relationship. The opposite would be a Sugar Daddy, an older male partner. Both terms are used in h and gay realms. Celebs love their boy toys Famous celebrities like Madonna, Jennifer Lopez and Sharon Stone all seem to have a thing for younger men. For obvious reasons in the bedroom, Boy Toys can last longer, go harder and more frequently. As Madonna put it: “I like young men. The don’t know what they’re doing. But they can do it all night!” Young men are often more open to experiment and go exploring. They like to discover new skin using their hands, mouth and other “ahem” appendages. They love bedroom gymnastics, especially when they're not confined to the bedroom. Not Forever Boy Toys are perfect for a mature partner looking for an ego boost. You never know if it’s just a game or if it’s sincere. Sometimes little emotional commitment makes things easier and more straightforward. But be aware, not all are looking for long term relationships. As long as expectations are communicated up front, men and women can have an amazing time with Toy Boys not to mention lots of incredible sex.
    Ever notice that you are drawn time and time again to a particular part of someone’s body that you find attractive? Well, for some people that part could be the eyes or a strong jaw line, for others it’s the hands. Long and slender or strong and hard, everyone has their own preference. Think about all the delicious things they can do! Why wouldn’t you find them sexy? Not to mention the popular debate: does the length of a man’s hand equal the length of his cock? It’s like the Tootsie Roll Pop commercial- We may never know. Hands caress and hold, they can scratch and spank, then tickle their way back into a cuddly love puddle. Not to mention the fun they bring to foreplay! Warm your partner up by sucking on their fingers until they’re screaming for more. The ideas are endless. Plus everyone loves a good morning hand job. What else can you do with your hands? Blindfolds Fisting Handjob
    The legs tend to get attention from both genders. Both men and women have shown a greater attraction to longer legs in studies, which has spawned all kinds of fashion innovations to accentuate and elongate the legs. In previous centuries, wealthy men commonly wore shoes with raised heels. Nowadays, everything from Spanx leggings and tights to seamed stockings and sparkly pantyhose are available to accentuate the legs. Too give an illusion of longer legs there are also high heels and tall boots as go-to tools. One pernicious myth that has emerged in recent digital trends is the "thigh gap", which is the fetishization of extremely thin thighs. Despite the claims of body-shaming and pro-anorexia sites, a gap at the top of the thighs is entirely determined by the shape of the hips, and has nothing to do with diet or fitness. More on the parts we use to lure one another in: Eyes, Feet, Butts