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Hier dürfen alle Eier und Sack Freunde sich tummeln und Daten. Zeigt eure Hoden und welche Wünsche ihr habt, ob ihr aktiv oder passiv verwöhnt!

icon-wio Imco created an entry in Eier & Säcke
Es darf gerne zugefasst werden
LikeRick2012, Leuchtturm-830
icon-wio Sowilo created an entry in Eier & Säcke
Schön in der Gruppe sein zu können. Ich mag meine Eier rasiert.
icon-wio fffrank656 created an entry in Eier & Säcke
Ich suche immer jungs die sich gerne um meinem fetten Sack und Eier kümmern. Lecken blasen rimmen schlucken, alles geht.
Rasiert oder unrasiert, ganz wie ihr mögt.
Raum Ibbenbüren, Osnabrück, Rheine und Münster.
LikeRick2012, fryfry

Similar preferences as Eier & Säcke

A stocking fetish might be seen as something men have- a longing desire for the long, lean, lacy legs of women. But women can get off on their silky soft leg wear as well. Soft nylon, suspender stockings, Lycra lingerie and intricate designs can all make the tight covering of the leg a sensual experience. It used to be that stockings were custom-made to order, until they began being mass-produced in the 1960s. While more convenient the art of custom stocking making has been lost. But period dress shops and high-end sex shops still sell creative designs with different themes. Men sometimes enjoy wearing these as well, and lucky for them stockings come in a variety of sizes.
It might seem like people are coming up with new fetishes all the time, but it's probably more likely that the internet has made it easier for them to be brought to our finger tips. Smoking fetishism has surely been around at least for decades, but you might just be hearing about it now. This is sexual pleasure connected to the smoking of cigars, cigarettes, pipes or shishas. For some people, just watching someone consume tobacco turns them on, and smoking during intercourse really lights their fire. Smoking, after all, has always stood for being daring and rebellious, and maybe more today than ever, is seen as "dirty". So it seems almost natural that it would be a welcome sight when people are doing the nasty. Want to see what else can light your fire? Read more here: Blindfolds, Erotic Art, Lips, Female Domination