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  • Rough Sex, hard and dirty

    Hallo ihr lieben, dies ist eine Gruppe für alle die es wild,hart,verdorben und schmutzig lieben. Alle Hüllen und Attitüden fallen lassen und s...
  • Busenliebhaber

    An die Frauen: wie möchtet Ihr Eure Brüste verwöhnt haben? An die Männer: welche Busenform findet Ihr gut?
  • Nippel & Vorhöfe

    VORERST WERDEN KEINE MÄNNER MEHR AUFGENOMMEN!!!! BITTE KEINE SCHWANZBILDER!!! In dieser Gruppe geht es um vorwiegend weibliche Nippel und Vor...
  • Blasgeile Männer

    Diese Gruppe ist für Männer (hetero, bi, schwul oder sonstiges) die gerne Schwänze blasen und für Männer die sich gerne einen blasen lassen. Hier...
  • Black & White

    Schwarze auf weißer Haut - ein erotischer Kontrast und Sex pur... Hier dürfen sich Black Boys mit Damen und Paaren austauschen, treffen und ...
  • Crossdresser Cartoon

    oder auch Damenwäscheträger, Tranny, Transen in Form von Cartoons oder Comic.
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Für sexgeile, nichtmonogame Menschen in der Region.

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Similar preferences as Ostholstein - Plön

Porn has been around probably as long as humankind. Before there was streaming video, there were erotic cave paintings, and all the clever media in between. Over time, who is pictured and what they are doing has evolved, and varied between cultures, but the gist has been the same. Porn displays sex acts in order to arouse the viewer. Because of the bias of the industry toward male viewers, most of what is shown is usually the female body and the male genitals. The focus is usually on the sexual acts themselves, and less so on the surrounding scenario or the relationship between the individuals. Pornos can depict any kind of sex, from gentle vanilla sex to really aggressive or fetishized sex. If what you see is really explicit, it’s usually referred to as “hardcore,” whereas “softcore” is something closer to what you might see at the movie theater. Want more sexy inspiration? Also have a look at these: Erotic Photography, Erotic Fiction, Erotic Art
The amount of pain depends on the quality of the candles and the height the wax is dropped from. The sensation could be a nice lukewarm, or a searing hot. Smaller candles and wax falling from higher up tend to be less hot. The wax pools a bit, and is then spilled with care onto the willing victim. Sex shops often sell candles that have a lower melting point for less risk of burning. The idea is to get a nice redness with a little puff in the skin, but not to injure anyone. As wax pools and cools, a layer will be formed over the skin. A whip or a switch might be just perfect to snap that apart. For any bears among us, though, it might be wise to put a layer of plastic between your body hair and that wax, unless you are into a really, really, really painful finish! For more hot ways to spice it up, check out: Blindfolds, BDSM, Bondage