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    Die Gruppe für alle die einen Bi-Dreier lieben. Hier melden sich Paare (MF) oder einzelne Männer um Treffen zu vereinbaren oder sich auszutauschen.
  • Wuppertal und Umgebung

    Die Gruppe für Wuppertaler und Leute aus den nachbarstädten
  • Wuppertal

    Wuppertal und Umgebung
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    Dieses soll eine Gruppe sein und werden für aufgeschlosse Menschen aus Der Nachbarschaft um sich zu verabreden und treffen
  • Schwänze unter 16cm. Keine...

    In dieser Gruppe geht um das Männliche Teil unter 16cm da es sonst immer nur um Schwänze in XXL Format geht. Es darf gerne über das Thema diskutier...
  • Ebony & Asian

    Community für dunkelhäutige und asiatische Frauen die auf hellhäutige Männer stehen und für hellhäutige Hetero-Männer mit der gleichen Vorliebe für...
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Similar preferences as Bukkake 2.0 Köln 50 Km Umkreis

Bukkake is an orgie in which several men masturbate and ejaculate, one after the other or all at the same time, onto one person in the middle. The practice apparently started in Japan where the name bukkake comes from a noodle dish with sauce poured all over it. Many men imagine Bukkake as a form of Humiliation, and many orgy-focused Porn films will end with a bukkake round. Some people find it highly arousing to make several men cum at once. It's gratifying to see how many men you can get to orgasm. So who really has the power in this situation? Sometimes the person in the middle even decide when and where guys are allowed to come. Like messy sex? Then check out these other links: Group Sex, Masturbation, Cum Swallowing
Gangbangs are a form of group sex where only one woman or "bottom" is involved. That means a whole group of men are participating in the sex at the same time, all focused on the same partner. Usually, the lucky lady takes it in the vagina and/or ass while keeping the others in line hard with blowjobs and hand jobs. This is often quite a workout, reminiscent of Hindu gods with tons of hands! The icing on the gangbang cake can be a bukkake finale, where all of the men ejaculate on the woman's face, breasts, ass or stomach. There's also such a thing as a reverse gangbang, where only one man is involved, only the ending tends to be less sensational. Learn more about gangbangs by clicking below: FFM, MMF, Nymphomania, Threesome
Group sex involves three or more people, but usually isn't centered around an established couple, as a threesome is. Group sex might originate during a night at a swingers' club, or at a sex club. Sometimes people also seek each other out online. There are more and more sites that make this possible, and it often has the advantage of avoiding the complications of jealousy or the risks of unstable couple relationships. Group sex can also be part of outdoor, dogging (British English) or adult movie theater activities. The underlying pleasure comes from emotional detachment, and the thrill of getting to know strangers in such an intensely stimulating setting. Although group sex has been a source of mass fun since ancient times, it has its modern caveats. Safer sex is an absolute must in these contexts, and consent should be in constant negotiation through communication between partners, strangers or not. More on the beauty of group sex here: Free Love, FFM, MMF, Threesome, Polyamory, Swinger Club Search, Swinging Photo Pixelio: Hofschlaeger