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Similar preferences as Swinger Treffs nur für Mollige und Dicke

We've all heard of the TV-show "Wife Swap", but did you know there's an R-rated version? And that you don't need to be married or on TV to do it? You know how exciting it can be to watch two hot people getting it on. You might enjoy watching your partner fulfilling someone else's fantasy, and while satisfying your own at the same time. It could bring you closer to a couple of friends in a whole new way. It could also inspire you to re-recognize each other's hotness in whole new ways. If you're interested in trying a swap with strangers, you can easily find opportunities at sex clubs. If you'd like a more intimate setting, an orgy can be arranged on your own turf. Remember, this should be fun, safe sex for everyone, and it should build the heat and passion in your relationship. For more sexy entanglements read on: Free Love, FFM, MMF, Threeesomes, Polyamory
Swingers might bring to mind the Austin Powers era, but you should know that it's not just an outdated term for cheaters. It's actually a specific lifestyle, with its own communities, clubs and standards for behavior. Swingers are people who like to go out and get down with new folks, whether they are strangers or other swinging friends. They sometimes have threesomes and group orgies at home. Usually, when we say swingers, we think of couples. Swinging is mostly a sexual activity, although friendships may also form. Couples are honest with each other about their activities, and abide by any agreements about limits and safe sex. Distinct from this lifestyle is the much more ubiquitous species: the cheater. The cheater lies, conceals, or fails to be honest about their activities. The cheater agrees to one type of relationship but then treats it like another. If you found this interesting, also have a look at: Free Love, Polyamory, FFM, MMF, Threesomes