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Schreibt mal bitte alle rein wie ihr die Schwänze so findet...

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Spanking is the most widely used form of sexual punishment. It's a form of BDSM, although it is practiced by a lot of people who don’t know anything about the BDSM world. The delight comes from slapping or hitting the ass, breasts, nipples or genitals of the submissive partner, either with the hand or with instruments ranging from whips and paddles to belts or kitchen utensils. The thing about sexy spanking is, it’s not meant to hurt or terrify anyone! Which means you need to know what you’re doing before you start spanking away carelessly. If using rods, whips or canes, you should first learn correct techniques so that you don’t cause deep bruising, break the skin, or create lasting nerve damage. There are some areas of the body that shouldn’t be hit, and there are techniques for spanking that give the most bang with the least break. If you found this interesting, also check out: BDSM, Domination, Sweet Pain