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  • Schöne Mösen

    Bitte nur Mösen rein stellen. Schwänze sind hier nicht erwünscht!
  • Deepthroat

    Liebhaber einens schönen tiefen Kehlenfick
  • Junge Männer und Erfahrene...

    Junge Männer mit wunderschönen Bodys, Potenz und jugendlichem Charme treffen auf erfahrene Frauen mit Offenheit, Eleganz und einem Faible für die s...
  • Die Pfalzzwerge

    Bitte nur Leute die aus de Pfalz kommen 😊🙃😘
  • Langhaarige Männer & Fans

    Also doch: Size Matters oder "Je länger, desto heißer" ;) Hier sind alle willkommen, die ein Faible für lange Haare bei Männern haben. Alle Langh...
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Similar preferences as Bremerhaven für Paare und Frauen

A threesome with two women and a man is slightly different than a MMF threesome. Women can generally be softer with their caressing attention and oral sex. With two women in the mix, they're free to express any bisexual urges. Maybe it's biology or maybe just fantasies, but woman-woman-man threesomes are pretty common place sex toys. Again the imagination knows no boundaries: For example, while one woman busies herself with his cock the other can be playing with her partners or herself using a dildo or vibrator masturbation. Or they can all play with whatever sex toys are around and get each other off that way. The possibilities are endless! Other variations of Menage-á-Trois are of course also possible, it all depends on who and what is involved in the fun. Some enjoy a bit of BDSM and others stand by vanilla sex - all kinds of sexy contacts can be made on dating websites. The idea of more than one partner got you hot to trot? Check out more: Group Sex, Partner Swapping, Threesome, Swinging