Bavaria is not only famous for its leather pants, but also all other garments used to cover up the body in various leather accoutrements. During October Fest in Munich the Bavarian beer flows freely and slowly inhibitions slip away and later on so do the lederhosen and dirndls.
People from all over the world flock to the largest festival in the late summer to try their luck at keeping their pants after drinking three pints of beer. In this massive party tent run by security in an attempt to keep people’s clothing ON!
It’s fairly common place as darkness falls on the festival for couples or groups to sneak off into the bushes to form orgies or just cuddle up for the night.
But it’s not always in such a state of emergency in Germany’s largest state. South of Munich is the
Alps, whether or not there’s actually “no sin” here is unsure. The innocent mountain meadows are perhaps not so innocent after all. Survey says sex in the Alps ranks among the top places to get in touch with nature.
Even on your way up to the mountains there are plenty of places to pull over for a bit of impromptu lovemaking. Pay attention on the ski lifts because time is limited and the staff at the top of the mountain have enough “scenery” to look at. would like to make note that sex in the snow is a cool way to chill out when the parties get too hot!