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Similar preferences as Therme und Sauna in Baden-Württemberg

Saunas were established in many cultures as a place for health and wellness. But since everybody’s in their birthday suit anyway, things have a tendency to get hot and steamy in other ways. At many saunas, the sexual vibe is embraced through looking, approaching and even getting it on. If someone shows interest and the other party is receptive, things can get sexual right then and there. Maybe it wasn't your intention to have sex with strangers, but you might find that the sight of others getting down turns you on. There are usually designated areas or hot tubs where more action tends to take place. Many sex and swingers’ clubs make use of sauna areas to mingle with others. They might use lighting or music or show porn to create the right ambience. The biggest places in big cities have long hours, with some even being open 24/7. You might also be interested in: Sex in the Shower, Massage, Quickies