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Popcorn.dating has the most extensive and free erotic forum anywhere! Our 'Sex Talk' forum works so well because people follow the rules. Please make sure you respect others while in the forum.

With your first post in the forum you acknowledge acceptance of the following rules!

You should not offend anyone or violate their rights
Denouncing people, harassments, insults or vilification of any kind does not fly with us. This applies not only here in the forum but also everywhere on Popcorn.dating. Failure to comply with these rules will mean withdrawal of rights, expulsion from the forum or in serious cases deletion of the account.

The author of the post assumes all responsibility and liability, thereby also assuming any legal consequences.
We, the owners of the forum, are not responsible for content posted.
Authors of posts must be sure of the accuracy of published articles.
Authors of the posts are also accountable for any copyright infringements. If an infringement occurs the member will be penalised. Please note that images and also texts (for example song lyrics) are also subject to copyright laws. Make sure when posting content you acknowledge the original owner of the content.

Again, just to be clear
The internet, and also this forum, are not above the law. One cannot hide behind the anonymity of the internet. Anyone caught violating the law can and will be prosecuted and be held accountable for the consequences for their actions.

Transfer of Rights
By publishing posts on a forum, the author acknowledges automatically that all the content is now usable by other forum users and its operators. The forum operators can delete posts with or without cause.

Again, just to be clear:
If any post made in the forum is copied or quoted from another source the author must give due credit in the post, since the original may not be able to defend themselves. Posts can be deleted without notice or consultation from us, the forum operators. The author of the comment can delete their post at any time and Popcorn.dating cannot prevent them from doing so.

Contact Details and Links
Publishing contact details in the forum is bad, really bad. Don’t do it. This includes phone numbers, email addresses, home pages with URLs or other external links, Skype names, postal addresses, etc. The only exception being for general technical support.

Complaints or Suspicions
Suspecting an account of being fake is fine, let us know. Please do not post this suspicion publicly.
Insults are of course not tolerated! (Nice people don’t do that anyway)
If you suspect an account to be fake or have a general complaint, email our support team with the subject heading, mention the user name and if possible any screenshots as evidence.

Off topic content on the Forum
Posts in the forum should always be in the correct area and use a descriptive title line. Posts not filed correctly will be considered off topic and can be suddenly moved to the appropriate area or deleted without notice.

Posting Images
Any images posted in the forum must be suitable for people aged 16+.
Rule of thumb about 16+ images - If you can’t look at it at work or show your mom then it’s not 16+. This means 18+ images are not allowed in the forum. Some examples of what is NOT okay:

  • any genitalia, even partially seen or through clothing
  • any fetish images, even if it’s only a bound wrist
  • any BDSM toys, these are considered 18+ and don’t belong in the forum
  • images in which sexual acts are seen (duh)
  • images of uniforms
  • images of weapons
  • images of violence
  • images of children or children’s toys
  • images of animals
  • images with religious content
  • images with political content

Emojis that Popcorn.dating provides are of course allowed. 

Again, just to be clear:

  • The rules for images also apply for texts.
  • Taboo topics include:
  • Anything about children or their toys, etc.
  • Anything about animals, farms or zoophilia.
  • Contemptuous remarks or general arrogance against people of differing opinions or minorities.
  • Religious or political topics.
  • Propagating drug or other intoxicants use.
  • Weapons, glorification of violence and crime.
  • Unlawful sexual acts/practices.

To make sure everyone understands each other, the language of the forum is English. Posts that are written in other languages can be deleted or edited by us.
Advertising is not allowed on the forum!
The Popcorn.dating Team posts are in a blue color that way everyone knows who’s posting it.
Posts in the forum, for the sake of readability, need to follow the standard formatting. The options available are in the format window. Options for text are bold, italic or underlined, and should be used for highlighting individual items in the post. Posts that differ completely from the format can be edited or deleted.
Any posts containing correspondence (PN, ticket, email) will also be deleted.
"Spam" is not allowed and will be deleted.
Should you find anything in breach of these rules you can inform one of the forum moderators by clicking “Report Post” on the offending post.

Our Moderators
Our monitors and administrators are there to make sure everyone plays nicely together, by following the rules of the forum. They are experienced and want to make good and equitable decisions when conflicts do arise. They must insist on consistency when compliance of the rules becomes an issue. The decisions made should be seen as those by a referee and accepted after they are made. If you don’t understand a decision please contact the support team and do not discuss it on the forum. If you do, these posts will be deleted (since they are off topic).

As our name suggests, the focus of our community is making varied erotic and sexy contacts. The name Popcorn.dating appears on the content and events. You can change your settings: once, often, a lot, very often or forever. There are a lot of opportunities available. Just make sure you follow the rules, be who you are and everything will go smoothly.

Be friendly… and curious… and open… and tolerant… and… and … and…

Date: January 2016

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