Ingo and I are delighted and excited to bring you the next Tantra4GayMen Festival. We have moved to our new new venue in Earth Spirit Nr Glastonbury. This means we can welcome even more of you (up to 80).
Our festival is unique as the main focus is about Love and everything that surrounds this. We believe that if we can create 5 days of Love as a community of gay and bi men then this supports us to Live Love in the world outside. Or better put to be ‘In Love’ as a constant state!
We want offer you a 5 day journey that opens your heart so profoundly, that you are so moved that when you go back to your everyday life, something is different…
We have a jam packed 5 days of workshops and rituals from local to international, experienced, world renowned to never done a workshop before teachers. We want to enthuse you, entice you, seduce you into Love and we are confident the programme we offer can do just that!