If you’re in a relationship (or would like to be in one) but want it to be the best it can be (particularly as that pertains to, ahem, sex), then this weekend long workshop will steer you in the right direction. Also great for singles. Because other singles will be there.
"Learn to work with the *** that you can’t outrun.
There are very few crucibles available for people to explore relationship at the deepest level. That feeling of being so connected you cannot escape, watching yourself enter your volatility and learning how to navigate the parts of yourself you never thought you could face. Relationships truly take us out of control, and in our lives there are few arenas where we can make mistakes with little cost. There is where understanding your ideal relationship blueprint begins. You are touching your own involuntary system, and you are learning what it wants and how it reacts when it is deeply seen and loved.
In this weekend immersion, join TurnON Britain Senior Instructors and masters of relationship for a deep experience of what it means to be in relationship and how people can design their connections to foster the deepest intimacy, the hottest sex, and the most exhilarating sense of play.
Learn How To:
Get the sex you want exactly as you want it
This course is open to men and women (couples and singles) and will include lecture, dialog, experiential exercises and integrative assignments. Come prepared to have your relationship world rewired!"